Sunday, July 31
Hey! You Hattiesburg musician-types!
Aaron at My Hattiesburg would like to feature bands at that popular site complete with profiles, interviews and pictures. Visit there and/or let me know if you are interested and I will hook you up.
Ross at The South Mississippi Music Sampler has this to say:
Each week we bring to you the best music south of the Delta. We will share with you live recordings that capture prime samples of Hattiesburg's rich music scene.
In addition, we have studio tracks of blues bands and other musicians from around the state provided by the bands themselves as well as
It is our intention to have two feeds; one for blues and a second for rock. The rock program should begin within a couple of weeks.
Both of these ideas are great ones, so please take advantage of this chance to get more exposure for your band.
I also wanted to remind you that the Dead Man is at the mercy of sometimes forgetful club owners to get dates to me. I also search the web periodically to try to pick up any local gigs I have missed, but sometimes I am the last to know things. If you have a gig in the Hattiesburg/Laurel area and you do not see it on Dead Man Dancing, please contact me though this site or and I will get it up for you. This goes for live music of any type, too, not just rock bands. . . .
Thank you for your attention. You can now go back to your regularly scheduled debauchery.
Saturday, July 30
These are the people in your neighborhood
Where was it? Who all was there? Really? Well, what was he wearing? Was so-and-so there? What did he talk about? Did what's-her-name come? Did she have a good time? Did they speak to each other? When did you get there? When did you leave? What were you wearing? Did they have food? What did you eat? Was it good?Damn it, man, next time just come to the party yourdamnself.
Anyway, I asked had he been to Hattie's Blog (because even out in "meatspace" I am an insufferable bore) and he said no, and asked QuestionsMarkTM: What's a blog? Is that how you pronounce it? Why is it called a blog? What can you put on it? Do people come to read it? How do you know? What do they look like? (I am assuming blogs, not the people who read them, but I could be wrong.) Where can you get a blog? Etcetera. So, I'm telling him all of this, and happy to do so, because there is no bore like a BlogBoreTM, and in comes my friend Deadpan Ann. Without missing a beat, Mark turns to her and says, "Ann! I love your Blog!"
Mark. You bitch.
So, Mark has a little yapdog, Newton, who is a Newton of the fig variety and not the Isaac kind, I'm thinking, and Mark is so proud of that dog's smarts. To illustrate how very bright the little thing is, Mark will say to him, "Newton! Where's the kitty, Newton?!" And when Newton excitedly runs around in circles gawping skywards, Mark bubbles, "That's so good! You are so smart, good Newton." To which I say, Yep, he's brilliant. . . .'Cause I'm always ducking flying cats. Now, I do have to give it to Newton--that one time he did save Mark from getting arrested. But I'll leave it to Mark tell you that story.
My friend Greg
Sex toys are illegal in Mississippi.
Huh. Well, I wonder if this makes those sex toy parties we women are always having illegal. Here's the deal, ladies. If you get invited to one of these, GO. The first thing the hostess does is get you likkered up. The next thing you know, you are home with a plain brown paper bag filled with things you don't remember buying and you'll never figure out how to operate, or even which end is the "business" end. And you play some games in between that I still blush to remember.
But isn't this a silly law. Guns are legal (not that I have made up my mind about this), and who has ever heard of someone shouting, "This is a stick-up!" while brandishing a purple, double-headed dildo? Or, "All your money, now, or I'll vibrate ya!" (BTW, if this is your MO, I'll be a the corner of Hardy and 13th Ave. at 11 pm tonight.) I guess I just don't see where the harm is.
Ah, anyway, I think Greg may have made a big deal out of not only out of a sense of civic-mindedness as a citizen of the great country of the United States, but also perhaps to offer his services to women who are now toy-less. So contact me and I will put you in touch with him if you're interested.
Thursday, July 28
"Fantasy Karaoke Song" meme
Mine is "Me Jane," by PJ Harvey. I once joined a band (the too-often-arrested Gutshot) in order to sing this song, but never got up the courage. Hey, PJ is tough, in all senses of the word!
I have taken Gwen's idea and am passing it on all meme-like to Deadpan Ann; Walley, er, "Bert"; Anne Arkham, and Alphabitch if you guys are listening; and the Left-handed Leftist (though as a real musician, you probably don't have a song that you want to do that you can't legitimately).
Pass it on, you guys.
Mississippi Goddam
I simply do not know how I feel about Mississippi's recent fervor to prosecute these cases. Ya know I am an unrepentant bleeding heart, but these cases sadden and frustrate me. There is the idea that murder should never go unpunished, no matter how long between the action and the justice. This wars with the "propah" old Southern feeling that one should not stir up these old issues--what's past is past. Throw in a dash of, "oh, damn, here we go again" with negative international coverage of my state. The mix just leaves me tired.
Meadville is old school, y'all. It hasn't been that long since I finally convinced most of my relatives to avoid the "N" word in my presence, and they do so with an "ain't she a cute little liberal" condescension. The home page of the official Meadville website is a picture of the watertower, people! The population of the town proper, per, is 519. I'm sure that the re-opening of this case is burning up the partyline. (Do any of you whippersnappers even know what a partyline is?)
Wednesday, July 27
Here's a coupla lighthearted links
Prognosticate - the news predicting game
Fun, for the nerdy. I.E., me. Although I sucked at it. Go figure. Actually, sucking at it is pretty fun, too--sort of like "Current Events Mad Libs."
Deconstructing "This Shit Is Bananas"
I happen to like this song. Don't give me no guff. And I like it even better after reading the "true" meaning. Via Backwards City.
Catproof your computer. Sounds like a joke, but PawSense is a legit product. And if this were a cat blog (which It. Is. Not.), I would now be telling you a cute story about how my Kelty Kitten lies in my lap while I type, smiling up at me, his eyes sparkling and body rumbling with purrs while he bites the EVERLOVING FUCK out of my hand.
Did you know that goldfish, which are just carp, after all, can grow to the size of Cadillacs* if in a large enough environment? The idea of meeting a Cadillac-sized goldfish (those horrid slowly gaping mouths!) scares me more than swimming in shark-infested waters. Which somehow reminds me of the Pink Pistols site.
*Facts in this post may not, in fact, be factual.
Monday, July 25
Hattiesburg American Editorial
Here's a link about the backlash of the Supreme Court decision that I posted in June.
Friday, July 22
There but for the grace of genetics
By far, though, one of my most memorable clients was a young lady whom I'll call Kelly. Schizophrenic, and severly isolated while living with a family out of "Deliverance," Kelly was still no dummy. She had been attending college when she had her break, and some of her wit still shone through at times. Kelly had delusions that she was married to John Wayne, whom she met while hitchhiking. He picked her up and told her that it was dangerous for a young lady to hitchhike. This lead, inevitably, to their having 64 children together. He wasn't around currently, but they still got together occasionally. Once I challenged her, stating that John had died. Nope, she said, she had just seen him on tv the other night. Can't beat that logic. When it came time for me to move on, I introduced Kelly to her new case manager, and asked Kelly to tell us about her 63 children she'd had with John Wayne. She looked at me like I was out of my mind. "I don't have 63 children with John Wayne!" Delusions are pretty stable over time, and I was surprised that she had given this one up. Until she said, "I have 64 children with John Wayne." My bad.
If you ever want to test your ability to ignore rudeness in others, take a schizophrenic bearded lady to Krispy Kreme.
When I first started seeing Kelly, she had talked about using a dipilatory to remove the hair on her face. Come New Year's, I asked her what resolution she would like to make. After we had nailed down exactly what a "resolution" was, she was still drawing a blank, so I suggested she have that facial hair removed. I won't forget the anguish in her voice when she stood up and screamed at the sky, "Why me, God?"
Why her, indeed.
To find out more about mental illness, please visit the folks at the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
One reason I love my ex-boyfriend
A friend of mine tells this anecdote about my ex:
She saw him out somewhere and he had a smattering of glitter on his cheek. She asked him about it and he says, simply, "Damn mall."
Thursday, July 21
Some people don't get me
New people, unfortunately, don't always love me. Or even understand me. Here's one example:
A friend comes over with her old roomate, who is a slightly larger-than-scale Barbie Doll. The conversation quickly degenerates into a discussion of make-up and the like. Barbie is singing the praises of her teeth-whitening product, and I am smoking. I have an off-white lighter--ecru, if you will--and I brandish it and ask if her teeth strips would make my lighter any whiter. "Honey," she says, shaking her head with pity, "It only works on teeth."
The really funny part of this is that Barbie is somewhere right now telling this same story and laughing about how stupid I am.
I was speechless
I don't shop. I don't shop at the mall, especially. I don't shop at the mall at McRaes, extra-especially, and here's a story illustrating one reason why.
My grandmother gives me gift cards, which I really like. (Much better suited to me than the Gail Pittman Hollylujah (!) dinnerware that an aunt started giving me, piece by evil piece, several years ago. Hey, Aunt S, have you ever even met me?) But Grandmother started giving me McRaes' cards. Now, I had never been to McRaes, but it is in the mall, so I knew the score--over-priced and girlie. Well, it's a gift, and perhaps I could use some girlie. So, I and a friend, J., went head on off to McRaes. I am short and uh, zaftig, and high-waisted to boot. Not an easy fit. After looking around for quite a while at jeans that would come to my neck and not finding any particularly petite items, I decide that perhaps the Juniors sections might have something, though I am several years past "Junior." We can't find that section (I am mall-illiterate), so we decide to ask an "associate" for help. My friend does the asking.
"Hi. Can you tell us where the junior section is?" The Ass. takes her pencil and waves it in a line from J.'s head to her feet while saying, in a disbelieving tone, "Is this for you? Or for you?", pointing the pencil at me. J. says, "I may be fat, but I'm not stupid," and we walk off. Well, this just chaps my ass. I get more and more pissed, at one point uttering the "F" word just as we pass a gentleman who turns out to be J.'s mother's pastor. J. is not having a good mall experience. Finally, I have decided to do something about this unexcusable rudeness. I have built up a head of steam, I'll tell ya.
A good head of steam is difficult to maintain while waiting for 15 minutes in a line of people checking out at McRaes, but I'm doing it. Giving myself little pep-talks. Saying things to myself like "How would you like it if I directed you to the sombreros just because you look Hispanic, Puta?" and "The Nerve!". Finally, I'm there. I say to the Ass., "I didn't like what you said to my friend." (That's telling her!)
And she reaches out, and pats my arm, and says, "That's ok."
Thank you, thank you!
Sunday, July 17
Vetted for your linking pleasure
Geocaching is an activity for people with plenty of time and expendable income. From the website:
The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache.The Hattiesburg area has quite a few of these locations, many set in the last couple of days. Let me know if you are into Geocaching, I'd like to find out more about it.
I had not heard of nearby Palestine Gardens until catching loveable local color reporter Walt Grayson last night on WDAM. Palestine Gardens is a scale model of Biblical sites established in Lucedale in 1960. The website is under construction, but the actual site seems interesting, if weird. is a very complete resource for towns like Hattiesburg. Just about whatever you'd like to know about Hattiesburg can be found on the Hattiesburg ePodunk page.
Trading Up - Where do baby names come from? Interesting Slate article about the socio-economic implications of baby name choice. Sounds gripping, doesn't it?
Not all officers of the law are all fired up about the War on Drugs. LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) is an organization that is fighting for an end to that costly "war." Here's their Mission Statement:
The mission of LEAP is to reduce the multitude of unintended harmful consequences resulting from fighting the war on drugs and to lessen the incidence of death, disease, crime, and addiction by ultimately ending drug prohibition.(Thanks to DSMars for the link.)
Saturday, July 16
Trashy, trashy
"Tow Truck" is amazing. Minstrel-esque music begins the ad, which features a skinny Black dude cheerfully throwing a water bottle out of the truck. He then almost runs slam over the blue-haired Mrs. Fordice, who stops him with the sheer force of her calves, then chides him with "I am not your momma," and tells him to pick the bottle up. Wall, yas, ma'am! Our litterer practically kills himself shufflin' on over to that bottle.
"Damn! Did I just see that?" I thought. What the Hell? And what the Hell will visitors passing through Mississippi think when they see this ad? So, I call the Mississippi Dept of Transportation, mainly to voice my concerns, partially to see if they have had other folks calling in consternation. I finally am connected with a liason, a very nice, very young Black lady who hasn't seen the ad, and doesn't have much of a reaction. Naturally, I never hear back, though I leave my number for someone higher up to call me.
The "Two Rednecks"-- excuse me, "Two Dudes"--ad is pretty offensive, too, but I wasn't quite as shocked having been broken in by "Tow Truck." It uses the same minstrelly music, as well, so perhaps I am being overly sensitive? Well, check them out for yourself.
Take Pride in Mississippi, people, and don't trash up the place.
Wednesday, July 13
A southern gal says, WTF??
That was my first clue that the issue of race in the South might be a mite more complex than I had expected.
Keep in mind that this was 25 years ago, and Black folks had not yet appropriated the term. Agnes' reaction was quite startling to me then, and remains so now. Made me think about how I do not have the right to speak for someone else, even (especially?) if I am "doing it for their good."
Tuesday, July 12
(Lies, Damn Lies, and) Statistics for the Hattiesburger

Despite what my guy friends think, in the 'Burg, gals outnumber them by quite a bit as this graphic from Maps and Stats demonstrates. (And the older you get, the better your odds, boys.)
Do you eat out? Of course you do. Head to the health department's inspection data for your favorite restaurant. Included are any complaints filed by customers. Not as horrifying as you might expect.
Here's a Google hack for finding real-time information on the cheapest gas in your area.
Here are some Hattiesburg crime statistics, and I have to admit I am surprised. A while back I had to go to the police station after I lost 600.00 dollars to a identity theft, and I saw a list of the unsolved murders in Hattiesburg. There were more than I expected, about ten in all, but the really surprising thing was that about 70 percent were of Hispanic males. Hispanics make up a larger percentage than you would think in Hattiesburg, but you guys probably don't see them unless you are up at 4:30 and drive by one of the pick-up points for day laborers. They are Hattiesburg's invisible minority. All that being said, I still think Hattiesburg is a fairly safe place if you use your smarts. These stats are also from 2002, so not really current.
One way to cut down on crime is to have a well-funded and effective school system. Public School Review provides a break-down of Hattiesburg area schools and some of the statistics are heart-breaking. The student teacher ratio at Hawkins is a staggering 1-to-75. Meanwhile, the Oak Grove Lower Elementary has a student-teacher ratio of 1-to-17. Lots of other information here.
No post about Hattiesburg stats would be complete without the Bureau of Labor Statistics link. Of course, the highest percentage of employees are working for the government.
Who among us would still be walking the streets if these Mississippi laws were enforced? Oh, right, street-walking is illegal.
Got any good info about Hattiesburg? Pass it on in comments.
Monday, July 11
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
I enjoyed keeping a play-by-play as the storm came through, and thanks to those I heard from (including Hanan Levin from Grow-a-Brain, one of my favorite blogs!) during my "coverage." Watch this space when the next storm menaces.
Until then, we now continue our regularly scheduled snarking, pithy observations and cribbing from other folks' blogs. . . .
Sunday, July 10
A very blustery day
I may have a few people over (as long as it is safe for them to get around, of course). Slide me an email if you're interested. deadmandancing at gmail dot com.
FYI, if you lose power, the MS Power number is 1-800-itsdark. Cute. And useful.
To Coin a Phrase
Dennis has come ashore in Pensacola, and though heading through eastern Mississippi, it now appears we in Hattiesburg may not even lose power. It's Ivan all over again--we ended up turning off the lights and using flashlights to mimic a more exciting event. Finally, we decided just to make cookies.
Mmmm, cookies.
Well, no wonder!
Storm Prayer meeting in session
Must be working.
Such a Tease
It is now after noon, so you have from now until curfew (if instituted) or 10 pm to get your Rolling Rock, New Orleans lady. But no liquor!
Current mood: Blase'
I just heard a transformer blow, but probably out of anxiety rather than weather. Still pretty calm here, though it is sprinkling and the wind is kicking up at times.
Here's where folks are chatting about Dennis. Warning: Java, weather geeks, and some mighty freaked out people.
D Day
Heading to the store in a few. I'll be back to let you know the general mood out on the street.
Fond memories of hurricanes past
I am a strange chick--I really like spiders. I have a corner of the back yard that I won't let anyone mow in order to provide a spider habitat. I am the person that people call to rescue them from marauding spiders. My ex was not so fond of arachnids and he is sure that any spider he sees is a brown recluse (icky picture warning). I am equally sure that I have never seen an actual brown recluse.
So, here we are in the tiny square room having a little hurricane party (meaning I am reading and he is thinking about music) when he slaps me on the back. I see legs flying. He has just "saved me" from a spider that was crawling on my shoulder. I'm like, damn! I had such a good relationship with the denizens of Spider-world up 'til now. Why'd you have to go and murdelize a wolf spider like that?
The spider was the only casualty of that hurricane in Hattiesburg, but we were out of power for forever. And you have never been as hot or smelly as the third day without power in the dismal humidity that is Southern Mississippi following a hurricane.
Here's hoping that D. (who now lives on the Coast) will have a safe and spider-free Dennis.
Saturday, July 9
This Update is for Jennifer
You guys need to finalize your hurricane plans; Dennis looks like it will be affecting Hattiesburg more than we had thought earlier.
Update on Dennis
Speaking of hurricanes, here's someone who may be a little misdirected in her thinking about them.
Friday, July 8
Weather Underground

Weather Underground is a good resource for you guys concerned about Hurricane Dennis. Includes tracking maps (even blank ones you can print for your own tracking pleasure), the history of hurricanes, hurricane names, etc.
If you are new to the Hattiesburg area, keep in mind that a hit on the Mississippi Coast of a storm of this size/strength will impact us here, though we are and hour and a half by car. No need to panic (not that folks do, if you believe the post about panic, below), just keep an eye on things. And don't plan on getting a hotel room here this weekend if you don't already have one. I imagine that we are booked, or shortly will be, with Florida folks and some Nervous Nellies from New Orleans.
Take care, and feel free to post your hurricane stories in comments.
Update: Check out the "NOGAPS" computer prediction up there. That little square in Mississippi? That would be Hattiesburg. Still, no reason to panic. Unless you are in AL/FL. Then I could see it.
Update #2: All hotels in the Jackson area are booked solid for the weekend. For those of you visiting Hattie's Blog from other places ( I know there are a few of you), that's about an hour and a half drive north of Hattiesburg, 3 hours from the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Thursday, July 7
In light of the British bombings
Wednesday, July 6
Before the Blog
101 Fun Things To Do (Besides Having Sex). By the "Worth the Wait" guys. Among the suggested activities are:
- 4. Have an 80's movie marathon. Rent as many 80's movies as you can find and watch them all weekend. Do the same thing for other decades.
Damn, how many decades must this go on? - 34. Start your own band.
In my day, you started a band to get laid, not avoid it. - 46. Design and make your own T-shirts.
Mine would say, "I need to get some." - 60. Study for SATs. (?!?)
- 89. Surf the Internet.
No chance of sexual arousal there.
Apparently, some folks think that you can buy a legitimate British title online. Think, people, think! Now, a college degree, yes2. Being called Sir DeadManDancing, no.
There are people out there who love thier substrate-hugging monsters, which is fine, they are actually pretty interesting, but some of these folks also believe that if you spell the whole name of the fish out, you have killed it. (Under Pl*co in this glossary.)
The God Web actually kind of impressed me, dammit. Not enough to make fun of. (Though I can make fun of the Wall Street Journal for their blurb: ". . . it offers inspirational music, from Bach to Enya.")
Then there's Fun Things to Do with Your Old Coffee Grounds, including making a worm farm and using them for skin abrasion.
Perhaps I'll stick with the blogging3.
1. Do not keep your condom in your wallet. If I know you (and I think I do) the condom will have been subject to months, if not years, of damaging heat and pressure before you need it, rendering it useless when you do.
2. No, I do not think that you can get a legit college degree by doing no course work by simply paying some website.
3. Can you tell I have learned how to use superscript?
I asked for it.
1. What were three of the stupidest things you have done in your life?
a. Volunteered for this meme.
b. Hit that cop car.
c. You think I'm gonna tell you?
2. At the current moment, who has the most influence in your life?
My significant other, Scott. In fact, I am thinking about making a webpage called "The Stupid Things My Boyfriend Has Said."
3. If you were given a time machine that functioned, and you were allowed to pick up to five people to dine with, who would you pick?
a. Dorothy Parker
b. Winston Churchill
c. Freud (I'd pin him to the wall for changing his mind about childhood sexual abuse when It occured to him that he had symptoms himself to indicate that he'd been abused by his father.)
d. Mark Twain
e. Ben Franklin
Of course, with these folks, I'd need more than just a dinner--perhaps a long weekend? I was going to throw in someone not-so-bright to mix it up a little, but then I realized--that would be me.
4. If you had three wishes that were not supernatural, what would they be?
a. Health insurance (damn, I'm old)
b. Money to start up The Breakdown again. (A Hattiesburg arts/entertainment magazine that ran for a short period several years ago.)
c. Peace on earth. Or at least between my two warring kitties.
5. Someone is visiting your hometown/place where you live at the moment. Name two things you regret your city not having, and two things people should avoid.
Two things I wish Hattiesburg had:
a. Better public transportation
b. A Lemuria or Powell's-type independent bookstore.
Two things to avoid:
a. The Hattiesburg American. I hate to say this. I like newspapers and I read the American on a regular basis. But it is such a disappointing paper. It is a Gannet operation, and is weak on real local coverage. Even big Hattiesburg stories are taken straight off the AP Wire. Local entertainment is slighted for events occuring in New Orleans or at Coast casinos. I don't hate the American--I have friends who work there and care greatly about Hattiesburg--but I think the town deserves better.
b. Hardy Street. Buffets on Sunday after church. IHOP at 3 am. Ooops, I'll stop cheating now.
6. Name one event that has changed your life.
I'm supposed to get all deep here, huh?
7. Tag 5 people.
Shoot. Almost all the bloggers I "know" have been tagged already. I'm a newbie. But, Walley, ball's in your court. And Matt, you, too. Oh, and how about you, Left-Handed Leftist?? Ian, I see you ducking behind the furniture over there. . . .
Tuesday, July 5
Happy Birthday, Ma'am
One lunchtime, my friend and boss at the time, Greg, and I were eating at Panino's here in Hattiesburg. At the table behind me, two ladies were discussing what they were going to get because it was the birthday of one of the women. Damn, they were excited. "It's my birthday! Gosh, do I get a free dessert?" "I'd want a dessert if it were my birthday. " "On my last birthday I got. . . ." Birthday, birthday, you get the idea. This went on for a while until the waiter got there. Before he could even take the drink order, Birthday Gal exclaims, "It's my birthday!"
Cute waiter guy heaves a sigh and says, with absolutely no inflection, "Happy birthday, Ma'am."
Snap! That was the last Greg and I heard about her birthday. We still giggle about it.
Monday, July 4
Underground Pizza Man
I, on the other hand, adore Hattiesburg. (And yes, I have actually been to other places.) I do not feel stuck here, as I have chosen it. And one of the many reasons I did is the Underground Pizza Man.
I first heard of the Underground Pizza Man shortly after arriving here, and at first, I dismissed the stories as the hallucinations of my stoner friends. A guy you can call after the chain restaurants close to deliver you pizza from his home? You're kidding. I thought this was fantastic and somehow subversive.
The Underground Pizza Man is completely word of mouth and he is listed only in the white pages, so you have to be privy to his name. He flies pretty far under the radar, but the cops are aware of him. They don't give him any trouble, though. Once, a rookie pulled him over, and the partner told him, "Don't you know who that is? Don't pull him over--we may want a pizza later."
Over the years, several rumors have started about the UPM, including the perhaps inevitable stories that he will deliver you drugs, or beer for the under-age. He got started in the business by making and taking pizzas to friends' parties years ago, and at that time he might show up with a six-pack as well, but not for sale.
When you order your pizza from the Underground Pizza Man, pizza is all you're going to get. Pizza with a little taste of Hattiesburg entrepreneurship and what makes this silly little town home to me.
Sunday, July 3
help needed
It is specific to this particular template, I believe, because I have seen other blogs with the same issue, and always this template. I have tried contacting the author, but no luck.
Piano Man
My theory is that he is autistic, and perhaps his caregiver died or is otherwise unable to take care of him. That would explain pretty much everything from the non-communication to the mad piano skillz to the tags being cut out of his clothes. Doesn't he look sad?
Here's a great article that sums up why this guy should have been home safe and sound way back in April.
Serious waste of time links
This is seriously disturbing. Reminds me of the Fly Guy, somehow, but creepier.
Yankee or Dixie Quiz I was surprised at my score on this--a healthy 94% Dixie. This for the only person I know who doesn't have to clarify "ink" pen, because I pronounce it "pen," not "pin."
I Used to Believe. Your humble blog host used to believe that "the bomb" was literally one bomb and resided in the White House, and I was fearful that some cleaning lady might drop it when dusting and that would be the end of us. I was an odd child.
Rate My Professors is fun. You guys can go and see what professors USM students think are hot. Oh, and incidentally, who are the best and worst teachers.
Bottom Feeder. Eating crap so you won't have to.
Longmire does Romance Novels is a brilliant site.
Orisinal is one of the prettiest sites on the web.
Kitten War! I had to tear myself away from this site because I was getting depressed having to choose one kitten over another. (reminiscent of my current situation?) And I was starting to feel uncomfortably girly.
The ESP Game is interesting.
The ESP Experiment. Read the comments section after you figure it out to boggle at the gullibility of folks.
Rock and Roll Confidential. I get aggravated with these guys' occasional gay-bashing, but their band-bashing is hilarious.
Saturday, July 2
My favorite "Southerner" joke
Which brings me to a joke that I made up:
This dyslexic guy is down on his luck and needs some cash, so seeking a get-rich-quick lawsuit, he goes to Chili's and puts a finger in Wendy.
Hah! I kill me!
Feel free to put your favorite Southern joke in comments.
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