Sunday, July 31

Hey! You Hattiesburg musician-types!

Now that I have your attention, here are a few things you might be interested in. There are a couple of local people who are trying to make it easier for you to get your music out to the masses, one through mp3's, and one through podcasting.

Aaron at My Hattiesburg would like to feature bands at that popular site complete with profiles, interviews and pictures. Visit there and/or let me know if you are interested and I will hook you up.

Ross at The South Mississippi Music Sampler has this to say:

Each week we bring to you the best music south of the Delta. We will share with you live recordings that capture prime samples of Hattiesburg's rich music scene.

In addition, we have studio tracks of blues bands and other musicians from around the state provided by the bands themselves as well as

It is our intention to have two feeds; one for blues and a second for rock. The rock program should begin within a couple of weeks.

Both of these ideas are great ones, so please take advantage of this chance to get more exposure for your band.

I also wanted to remind you that the Dead Man is at the mercy of sometimes forgetful club owners to get dates to me. I also search the web periodically to try to pick up any local gigs I have missed, but sometimes I am the last to know things. If you have a gig in the Hattiesburg/Laurel area and you do not see it on Dead Man Dancing, please contact me though this site or and I will get it up for you. This goes for live music of any type, too, not just rock bands. . . .

Thank you for your attention. You can now go back to your regularly scheduled debauchery.

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