Sunday, August 28

Hi to new visitors.

I am beginning to think I am posting too often. I am sleep deprived and still sort of jazzed from the little adrenaline shot I got from the "oofing" I told you about in the last post. Let me know if I am beginning to wear on you.

I did want to thank the many folks who are linking to Hattie's Blog and welcome any new visitors. I encourage you to dig a little deeper into the blog, it's not all about Katrina and I think I occasionally produce the funny in my posts.

Well, about DAMN TIME. I just read that the last bar still open in New Orleans has closed. (Scan down the page a bit for the story.) Aside from seeming to indicate the End Times, perhaps this means those fools will pack it in and give themselves a fighting chance on some higher ground.

Here's the latest missive from Jennifer, Girl Reporter, live from Natchez:
I've got to be the most boring roving reporter ever. As of now, I've
had nothing to report except tasty stew, traveling laundry and in a
recent development Bluebell ice cream and sugar cookies. Apparently
I've evacuated not to higher ground but to a more tasty climate. I
hope all is well in Hattiesburg. It looks pretty green on the radar.
Hope you are not sitting in the hallway just yet.

this just in--the rumble on the street is that we're having bacon and
biscuits for breakfast!

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